Toilet Talk

Why talking about your bowel movements is common conversation on the road – and how I narrowly missed falling into the toilet! Fingers crossed, but I think I may have just bested my second stomach bug here in Guatemala. Round Two: Winner MSW. My first, when I was here in early December, gave me a beating I will long remember. It was a knockout; one that had me glued to my ringside seat day...
Read MoreOh Happy Day!

Today I reached my goal! First it was my unfitness, then it was this altitude’s lack of oxygen, then it was the cobblestones, then it was the cold morning air, then it was a stomach bug that slowed me down BUT still I persisted with my (every other) morning run up the mountain to the lofty heights of Antigua’s Cerro de la Cruz, with its spectacular view over the city. (I took my camera up...
Read MoreA Thought Provoking Question

Which is better: To be a boat adrift with no form of locomotion (paddles/ motor/ sails) or to be able to move but have no known port or destination? What’s your...
Read MoreThe Importance of Making the Bed

I’m not naturally a Bed-Maker. In fact, I’m more the “Defend-My-Right-To-Not-Make-The-Bed” kinda guy. (Or at least I was.) I lived with a Bed-Maker for some time and without fail whether it was first thing in the morning or what seemed like the last thing at night – just when I’d think I’d been successful in my anti-establishment campaign to leave the sheets and covers askew for...
Read MoreGenerational Differences

What’s that do-hickey called? You know, the thing that they used to put in the centre of the records (45s to be exact) to allow you to place them on your record player. I saw one on a radio station advertisement recently and immediately thought “How clever?!” I didn’t have to think twice about the music the station played; that ‘do-hickey’ immediately conveyed a time and place in the...
Read MoreSaying Goodbye (vs See You Later)

Knowing when to say ‘See you later’ can ease the pain of saying ‘Goodbye’ Two newly-minted friends left town today. And I’m a little lonelier as a result of their departure. In fact it is an unfamiliar feeling for me. Not the loneliness, unfortunately that’s one I’m all too familiar with as a lifelong vagabond bouncing from place to place. But usually I’m the one saying goodbye...
Read MoreReclaiming My Fitness (Back to the Gym)

This week I got back to the gym for the first time in a long time … and it felt great! It felt great to get back in the saddle – even if that saddle promised to make me sore (and it did!) – but more importantly it felt good to be back in control: Control of my health, control of my body, control of my ability. There’s no question that it’s been a challenge. A challenge to find the...
Read MoreWaiting for the Repair Man

It’s not so much the waiting as the total disregard for my time that has me ranting against those that are chronically late. Why should Guatemala be any different when it comes to waiting on a repairman? Foolish of me to think that it would be. Antigua, where I am presently living, is not a big town. With a downtown area of roughly 8 square blocks you wouldn’t think the demands on the...
Read MoreThe Hamburger Syndrome

There’s nothing worse than hankering for a particular food or meal when on the road, finding a place that serves it, only to be disappointed when the plate arrives because it bears no resemblance or taste to the food fantasy you were entertaining in your mind for the past day, week, or even month! I call this ‘The Hamburger Syndrome’. When food expectations fail to meet reality and you...
Read MoreBack to School

Today I went back to school – and my head hurts. As part of my assimilation into Guatemala, my newly adopted country, I’m attending Spanish classes four hours a day, for four days a week. (The standard is five days, but I don’t think this wandering soul can’t sit still THAT long … and let’s not forget about my hurting head.) My goal is to give my pigeon Spanish broader wings and help...
Read MoreMy New Home: Antigua, Guatemala

Even a rolling stone needs to come to a stop at some point. After an incredibly rewarding year of travelling about – spontaneously shifting from Brazil, North America, Europe, and Central America – I am in need of a rest, regiment and some structure. I have set up camp in Antigua, Guatemala. Or at least I’m trying to in between varying bouts of anxiety & fear at having made the right...
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