Gallivanting Friends (that can’t be pinned down)
Friends made while travelling can be some of the best you’ll make, just don’t expect them to be home when you knock on their door. The flip-side of having a host of travelling friends is that catching them at home is harder than you might think. In fact I’d likely have more luck bumping into them on the road then pinning them down at home. I’m a lucky man in the sense that I have...
Read MoreThe Coffee Experiment
Not only am I a big believer in trying everything once – and going back for seconds if you like what you’ve tried! – I also believe in revisiting those things you think you don’t like. Why? Because tastes change, because your second opinion can be different from the first, and if you hadn’t guessed already, I like challenging myself and my perceptions so I don’t get stuck in...
Read MoreDining on a Bridge
For me, life is always sweetest when it unfolds to reveal a surprising treat that I hadn’t planned on but have the opportunity to savour. I’m always amazed how often these opportunities present themselves – sometimes it’s a case of stumbling across them, while other times it’s about seeing something in the distance/out of the corner of your eye and altering course to investigate...
Read MoreWhen the Band Plays (Go Marching In!)
I was at my mum’s on a Sunday afternoon late in the summer, when I could hear music from a live band wafting across the backyard. “What’s that?” I asked. “Oh, they have a live band giving free concerts every weekend throughout the summer. I’ve been meaning to go down and see it,” she said. “Maybe next weekend I’ll remember.” “What about now?” I countered. “When the band...
Read MoreFriend Bumping
“Am I dreaming or did you just rollerblade past my taxi in Rio de Janeiro?” So read the text message I received when I returned home from my regular morning rollerblade along Rio’s four beaches – Leblon, Ipanema, Copacabana and Leme. It was from a Parisian friend who didn’t know that I was living in Rio and just happened to spot me in the split second he looked up during a cab ride...
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