‘Til We Meet Again Oprah

Thanks for the insight, for the inspiration … we’ll take it from here. I just watched the final Oprah episode. (Thanks to a neighbour with Tivo and a television – I have neither). Her last show was simply Oprah, no guests, standing in front of the camera giving thanks to her audience the world over that have supported her these past 25 years and sharing for the last time all the...
Read MoreLearning to Live with Myself

Guest writer Jennifer Lyn Olson writes with incredible honesty about the insights gained during a recent meditation course. When you learn to live without, you have the opportunity to discover what’s within. Last year, I enrolled in a 10 day Vipassana Meditation course in Southern Washington State. It was an incredibly transformative experience; I emerged from the experience a changed...
Read MoreA Thought Provoking Question

Which is better: To be a boat adrift with no form of locomotion (paddles/ motor/ sails) or to be able to move but have no known port or destination? What’s your...
Read MoreNew York State of Mind

Experience #530 For those bored by Broadway, tired of traffic, or caught up in the chaos that is New York, a nearby Zen Buddhist monastery offers peace of mind in meditation. Nestled in the Catskill Mountains, little more than one hundred miles north of the ‘City that Never Sleeps’ those seeking spiritual enlightenment can find it at the Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji monastery....
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