The Seven Trials of Tibet
Posted by MSW on May 19, 2010 in Asia-Pacific, Blog, Challenging Endeavours | 2 comments

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By karl
03/04/2012 8:39 pmThanks for sharing your 40g with me at that horrible movie. Are you still controling that urge?
By Harold & Donna Knox
19/03/2012 11:16 amGreat videos Michael. Good luck with the T.V. show
By Neen
08/03/2012 6:16 pmI am sorry but this is stalking/weird……though if i was single…..? ( have posted to my facebook – thanks !)
By Neen
08/03/2012 6:07 pmOMG – I gave up sugar mid Feb – as I just Knew it was taking too big a part of my “pick me up – and energise me” routine. I found it tough especially straight espresso …and no more sprites/italina soft drinks etc …….but have plateaued. Keen to see how you go – whether I will invite the white stuff back into my life – albeit in a far smaller role ? n xx
By chuck
08/03/2012 5:24 pmA fresh look at lunchtime Michael. Like you said, for most it’s about food. You describe lunchtime as an opportunity for open eye exploration…much better than a mac and cheese at mickey dees!
That sounds like it was quite the experiance. Tibet has never really been on my list…perhaps I am too citified for this type of adventure. Thanks for sharing.
I might recommend Bhutan over Tibet if you want to travel to that region of the world.