Wreck Beach: Hippie Haven

It was more than 15 years ago that I first experienced Wreck Beach – a long recognised, well-established nudist beach in Vancouver – there’s even a book chronically the beach’s history. A few months ago I returned for a second time to discover a more sophisticated beach – while still retaining its hippie heart – in it’s offerings of mixed drinks alongside...
Read MoreHoly Cow! Animal Attacks

A small story. A dusty memory that jumped into my consciousness the other day. (I’m not sure why.) Cows, of course, are venerated in India as part of the Hindu religion … I was walking through the narrow streets of Varanasi (an incredible must-see destination in India) having just visited the famous steps that lead down to the Ganges River when a white Brahman cow (complete with horns!)...
Read MoreHunting Polar Bears in Churchill, Canada

Ever since I can remember I have wanted to visit Churchill, Canada. It is the place to see polar bears. A couple of years ago, I was lucky enough to go: An endearing little frontier settlement, sitting on the western edge of Hudson Bay in northern Manitoba, it is so remote it can only be reached by air or rail. For six frenetic weeks each Autumn (October & November) tourists descend on...
Read MoreM&M’s Excellent Adventure

First up, I have to ask: Who has missed a flight or conversely gone to the airport one day early simply because you didn’t properly look at your flight itinerary and thought your departure day/time was something entirely different from what it was? (Please share.) This was the case yesterday for a friend who was certain that he was flying to Europe that evening – having taken the day off in...
Read MoreAmazonian Anomalies

To date there have been 25,000 confirmed plant species, 2,500 fish (a third of the world’s fresh water total), 10 per cent of the world’s bird species, as many as six million insect species found and up to 2,000 butterflies cataloged. Is it any wonder that nature challenges the norm here? The river itself pushes nature’s boundaries. Even after two weeks of exploring the Amazon, it’s...
Read MoreSouthern Exposure

Experience # 901 Travelling to the coldest, driest, windiest and least inhabited place in the world to gape at floating ice cubes is not everyone’s idea of a holiday. In fact, roughly only 10,000 privileged people a year have the passion to venture into this eternal winter wonderland, but for those who do the rewards are great. There is a timelessness about Antarctica that humbles even the...
Read MorePolar Bear in Peril

Best be quick if you want to see a polar bear in the wild. By some scientific predictions two thirds of the world’s polar bear population could be dead by 2050 and possibly extinct by the end of this century if global warming continues unabated. In May 2008 the majestic polar bear – the world’s largest land predator – was registered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as...
Read MoreVancouver: New Park Discovered

Experience #2101 The joy of discovery. The thrill of stumbling across something new and feeling that this is your discovery. Yours, and yours alone. The people, if there are any, whether they be tourists or locals, they simply blend into the background while you make a personal connection with your newest find. Today I discovered a new park in Vancouver. Of course as its ancient trees would...
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