September 11: Recalling My Day at The World Trade Center
Posted by MSW on Sep 6, 2010 in Blog, The Americas | 43 comments
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By karl
03/04/2012 8:39 pmThanks for sharing your 40g with me at that horrible movie. Are you still controling that urge?
By Harold & Donna Knox
19/03/2012 11:16 amGreat videos Michael. Good luck with the T.V. show
By Neen
08/03/2012 6:16 pmI am sorry but this is stalking/weird……though if i was single…..? ( have posted to my facebook – thanks !)
By Neen
08/03/2012 6:07 pmOMG – I gave up sugar mid Feb – as I just Knew it was taking too big a part of my “pick me up – and energise me” routine. I found it tough especially straight espresso …and no more sprites/italina soft drinks etc …….but have plateaued. Keen to see how you go – whether I will invite the white stuff back into my life – albeit in a far smaller role ? n xx
By chuck
08/03/2012 5:24 pmA fresh look at lunchtime Michael. Like you said, for most it’s about food. You describe lunchtime as an opportunity for open eye exploration…much better than a mac and cheese at mickey dees!
oh michael, that’s the first time i’ve read that article. You’ve told me once that you were there – and echoes of the article above.
I guess i didn’t comprehend how deeply it had affected you (not sure why?) – possible as i have never lived through something as traumatic as that.
big hugs to you…
That was a profound read my friend. Thanks for sending it out. I do remember what I was doing that day and how strange it felt that the world I thought that I knew would be changing. It didn’t in all the ways I hoped for and here we are. Thanks for helping me remember and sharing a very personal experience with us…
“I watched in amazement as the world gathered in a grief that touchingly transcended borders and cultures.”
Most borders, and most cultures, but sadly not all…
Wow , Michael. You told me that story not very long ago, but to see it and read it ! That was some clear and clean writing. Thank you.
A powerful piece Michael.
I finished reading your article about 10 minutes ago and still I find that I am crying silent tears. The tears are for a number of reasons; they’re for what you went through on that day and for numerous months after, for the images that will forever stay with you, for the thousands of innocent people who lost their lives that day and for your bravery in sharing with the public your horrific experience. I live in the UK and was 12 when the attacks happened 10 years ago, and even now at 22 years of age, I can tell you exactly where I was, who I was with and how it made me feel when I found out about the twin tower attacks, and at the moment every night up until the 11th of September, there are special programmes on the families and friends effected by the deaths of loved ones and first hand documentaries from the people of New York who witnessed the atrocities done to the people of America, Britain and other nationalities on 11/09/01. I watch the programmes on the attack every anniversary and I find that it still affects me deeply. I really just want to say thank you for sharing your experience with everyone who has had the opportunity to read it, it’s clear, to the point and heart wrenching, but it helps the ready of the world to try and understand what it was like being their that day. It certainly was an education for me, and I thank you for that.
Yours sincerely.
I appreciate the way you’ve expressed your feelings about September 11th. Your article shows your self-awareness and ability to lead the person reading through a genuine journey of sympathy without making one feel any sense of pity — which I just realized makes for a remarkable feeling of understanding for anothers’ experience that I have never felt before.
I would enjoy a daily blog by you about ordinary goings on from your perspective. Life’s simple activities of daily living and interactions, both large and small. Just this one article made me feel so small, in a way that was much needed. Although, in a way, I feel selfish for thinking so much about how this article made me feel as opposed to focusing mainly on the lives that are over due to the events of that day.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope each day brings something special and positive to your life.
Hi Facebook friends. A dear friend of mine and fellow adventurer Michael, was in NYC on 9/11/01. Here in his blog he shares his personal experience on that day ten years ago. A power piece, and I encourage you to read it.
Very moving account of that horrible day. I live in california and was in ah and shock of it all as well as I watched with my grandmother that morning on the news. It was on every channel and I watched for days and days. I too was “fascinated” by the whole horrific event. I began going to the library moths after reading books on 9/11. I would go on the internet and youtube and see evereything I could. Theirs no doubt the thousands of lives lost on that day I will never forget. I willl even talk to my children about it when their old enough. They weren’t even born in 2001 but I want them to know and try to grasp what Americas was like on that day and the months and years after. 9/11 did change our world as we usedto know it. Most of all and the saddest thing is it changed the lives of the families and children that lost their mothers and fathers. I cry to this day every year on the memorial. I can’t help it. I cry for the ones we lost and for the fact our country took a massive hit. God bless u and god bless America.
I just finished reading this article and i cannot even summon the tears for it although I ache inside. Its still so shocking to me and to read it from a first person point of view just adds so much more. I cannot even begin to conceive how it must have been for you that day despite the reading. However the courage you have built and sustained since that day speaks volumes. Thank you for sharing this with us.
I want to thank you for putting your experience into words. This day is always so difficult and I go immediately back to that day when I walked into my classroom, ready to start the day with my students, just in time to see the second plane crash into the second tower on the TV in my class (we would watch the Today Show while my students ate their breakfast). My experience was nothing compared to what you endured but I feel such a connection to how you have portrayed the days and months following the attacks. I know we have all been damaged in some way that may never be fixed and yet we keep going, because that’s what we do. I still feel that horrible pit in my stomach and the ache in my heart when I see those pictures and I know that will never change. But time does help and I hope that on this 10th anniversary time has been your friend. Thank you again.
MSW – i reaad this and my heart breaks. i tooo have witnessed tragety— one in which 50 lives were taken— so close that i stood in 2 feet of water from the firetrucks. there were no survirors. to this day i still can not believe i was there. it feels as if i was watching a tv show or movie. it makes me sick as i think about what people watch for “entertainment” these days. Because when you see devistation first hand, live in the moment and look into the terrified eyes of ALL those around you – there are no words to describe how you feel— and how you heart breaks not only for those who’s lives were lost – but for those trying to save them— and the families they leave behind. Thank You for sharing with us your memories from 9-11. So many feel like you do but can’t put it in words. You are a fantastic writer and God put you there so others far away could experience and feel like you did on 9-11.
Your description of the tragic event is amzing. Your honesty is so courageous and the fact that you had to re visit that horrific day and the overwelming emotions makes you an inspiration to me. I was only 6 when it happened but even I remember where I was and what I was doing. I had friends out in America at the time and being so young it took me weeks to accept the fact that they were in another state and out of har’s way. I live in Wales in the UK and even as a small unknown country we all came together on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I recently visited New York and didn’t recognise ground zero until I was told because there was nothing to see but construction. I was told by a person that was also there when it happened their account of it and it reduced me to tears just as your story did. Thankyou for sharing it, and I’d also like to say how brave I believe those jumpers to be. On that time everybody came together and I hope that no one will ever forget that, we all need to be united and stop wars, they only cause problems not solve them.